Léo Taxil
Marie Joseph Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pagès, better known by the pen name Léo Taxil , was a French writer and journalist who became known for his strong anti-Catholic and anti-clerical views. He is also known for the Taxil hoax, a spurious expose of Freemasonry and the Roman Catholic Church's opposition to it.
Leo Taxil was born in Marseille and at the age of five was placed into a Jesuit seminary. After spending his childhood years in the seminary he became disillusioned with the Catholic faith and began to see the religious ideology as socially harmful.
Leo Taxil was born in Marseille and at the age of five was placed into a Jesuit seminary. After spending his childhood years in the seminary he became disillusioned with the Catholic faith and began to see the religious ideology as socially harmful.
Taxil first became known for writing anti-Catholic books, notably La Bible amusante (The Amusing Bible) and La Vie de Jesus (The Life of Jesus) in which Taxil satirically pointed out what he considered to be inconsistencies, errors, and false beliefs presented in these religious works. In his other books Les Debauches d'un confesseur (with Karl Milo), Les Pornographes sacrés: la confession et les confesseurs, and Les Maîtresses du Pape, Taxil portrays leaders of the Catholic Church as hedonistic creatures exploring their fetishes in the manner of the Marquis de Sade. In 1879 he was tried at the Seine Assizes for writing a pamphlet A Bas la Calotte ("Down with the Cloth"), which was accused of insulting a religion recognized by the state, but he was acquitted. - wiki
Taxil Hoax
The Taxil hoax was an 1890s hoax of exposure by Léo Taxil intended to mock not only Freemasonry, but also the Roman Catholic Church's opposition to it.
Taxil, for his part, had admitted in typical form:
"The public made me what I am; the arch-liar of the period," confessed Taxil, "for when I first commenced to write against the Masons my object was amusement pure and simple. The crimes I laid at their door were so grotesque, so impossible, so widely exaggerated, I thought everybody would see the joke and give me credit for originating a new line of humor. But my readers wouldn't have it so; they accepted my fables as gospel truth, and the more I lied for the purpose of showing that I lied, the more convinced became they that I was a paragon of veracity. "Then it dawned upon me that there was lots of money in being a Munchausen of the right kind, and for twelve years I gave it to them hot and strong, but never too hot. When inditing such slush as the story of the devil snake who wrote prophecies on Diana's back with the end of his tail, I sometimes said to myself: 'Hold on, you are going too far,' but I didn't. My readers even took kindly to the yarn of the devil who, in order to marry a Mason, transformed himself into a crocodile, and, despite the masquerade, played the piano wonderfully well. "One day when lecturing at Lille, I told my audience that I had just had an apparition of Nautilus, the most daring affront on human credulity I had so far risked. But my hearers never turned a hair. 'Hear ye, the doctor has seen Nautulius,' they said with admiring glances. Of course no one had a clear idea of who Nautilus was I didn't myself but they assumed that he was a devil. Ah, the jolly evenings I spent with my fellow authors hatching out new plots, new, unheard of perversions of truth and logic, each trying to outdo the other in organized mystification. I thought I would kill myself laughing at some of the things proposed, but everything went; there is no limit to human stupidity." -http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/
Alex Jones
Alexander Emerick "Alex" Jones (born February 11, 1974) is an American radio host, author, and documentary filmmaker. His syndicated news/talk show The Alex Jones Show, based in Austin, Texas, airs via the Genesis Communication Network on over 70 AM, FM, and shortwave radio stations across the United States and on the Internet. His websites include Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com. As of January 2012, his Youtube channel, InfoWars, garnered over 250 million views.
Mainstream sources have described Jones as a conservative, a right-wing, conspiracy theorist,and a libertarian. Jones describes himself as a libertarian and rejects being described as a right-winger. He has also called himself a paleoconservative and an "aggressive constitutionalist". Jones has been the center of many controversies, such as the one surrounding his actions and statements about gun control after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, and has accused the US government of being involved in the Oklahoma City bombing and the September 11 attacks. Rolling Stone covers his belief that government and big business have colluded to create a New World Order through "manufactured economic crises, sophisticated surveillance tech and — above all — inside-job terror attacks that fuel exploitable hysteria." - wiki
Invisible empire a new world order defined
IEANWOD is a internet flim presented by Jason Bermas of Infowars.com produced by Alex Jones
In the tradition of his first Internet blockbuster, Loose Change, which has had over 100 million visits, Jason Bermas of Infowars.com has created yet another outstanding documentary film, Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined.
This film documents very clearly that some of America's most powerful elected officials, including all recent presidents, have been part of an international cabal to establish a socialist New World Order that would eradicate national sovereignty and many of the God-given freedoms vouchsafed in the Constitution of the United States, making all citizens mere slaves of the state.
It has an amazing collection of video footage of these leaders stating their unabashed ambitions to establishing this New World Order. It also shows just who is behind this international cabal and their nefarious intentions and true sinister nature.
It is deeply troubling and very important. -http://peswiki.com/
It is deeply troubling and very important. -http://peswiki.com/
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