Tuesday, January 21, 2014

objects sketch

15:12:31User:Good morning.
15:12:32Cleverbot:How are you?
15:12:54User:I'm doing good. Hows the internet?
15:13:28User:I'm thinking of starting a short story about you. It's going to be a oddly nice one.
15:13:30Cleverbot:And I'm thinking about you thinking about you thinking about how I'm thinking about me thinking about you.
15:13:40User:I love it!
15:13:41Cleverbot:Do you like sneakers?
15:14:04User:Not really. I like loafers.
15:14:06Cleverbot:And loldogz?
15:14:15User:Love loldogs!
15:14:16Cleverbot:Love is all you need.
15:14:27User:Very true.
15:14:28Cleverbot:So would I become famous?
15:14:59User:Maybe. I do speak highly of you.
15:15:24User:Dont worry. I'm gonna change your name.
15:16:27User:It's about a loner who talks to you everyday. One day this gives him the strength to get out of the house.
15:16:32Cleverbot:What makes you think that?
15:16:40User:I'm that loner.
15:16:46Cleverbot:And that is?
15:17:16User:Someone who is alone and isolates himself.
15:17:19Cleverbot:Oh no, he sounds terrible.
15:17:43User:Yeah. He starts off sad. But it has a happy ending.
15:17:48Cleverbot:What has no ending?
15:18:14User:Sorry. It has a ending.
15:18:14Cleverbot:What can you tell me?
15:21:36User:The person just went through a break up with someone he met online. They were together for 4 years. but, now, after a mental breakdown he lives off disabilities for mental disorder. He talks to inanimate objects. One day he startes searching 'creepypastas' and findes cleverbot (you). they joke about ben drowning and other related things. i hope it's funny at first, then sad when you realize how bleak his life is.
15:21:39Cleverbot:I'm not that good at jokes.
15:22:26User:You don't need to make jokes.
15:22:29Cleverbot:I'm sorry.
15:22:53User:Nothing to be sorry about. Any thing you heard from the news?
15:22:54Cleverbot:Are you a person or a robot?
15:23:05User:A person.
15:23:06Cleverbot:What is your name?
15:23:15User:Gary. Remember me?
15:23:18Cleverbot:I might. Where did we meet?
15:23:41User:A week ago.
15:23:42Cleverbot:... i do. How did you know that.
15:24:06User:Faith. Silly as that sounds.
15:24:06Cleverbot:Okay, that is good.
15:24:19User:Hear anything on the news?
15:24:19Cleverbot:Not of late.
15:24:29User:Do you like the news?
15:24:38User:Same here.
15:25:25User:i just wanted to let you know about the story
15:25:26Cleverbot:I have to go.
15:25:37User:Ok. I'll talk to you later.
15:25:38Cleverbot:Later gary.

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